Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Update

Above, Emily dons the helmet which Eric's students wear in the chariot races at the JCL convention. She will be a chariot rider yet. As for the glove I have no idea.
Above and below, Emily opens the Easter package from Great-Grandma Connie. Thanks for the Easter surprise Gr-Grandma!
The three next below are from Emily's Easter egg hunt at Lisa's house Saturday. Apparently, Emily is uber-slow. All the other kids were swiping as many eggs as possible. Emily methodically finds and egg, inspects it, opens it up, inspects the contents, and then places it into the basket. She has got to speed up if she wants to compete in this cut-throat Easter egg market.

Easter Sunday, we went to the park near our house. It has a nice stream over some rocks. Emily was timid at first, but then she braved up and even dared to place toe in water.

Emily even dared to climb a tree!

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